Medical tourism
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Адрес и график работы

Medical tourism


Section I
General information

State budgetary institution of health care of the city

"City polyclinic No. 6 Of the Department of health of the city of Moscow" (GBUZ "GP No. 6 DZM") provides primary health care to adults from 18 years who have MHI policies or on a paid basis. Clinic opening hours: weekdays from 8.00 to 20.00, Saturday from 9.00 to 18.00, Sunday and holidays from 9.00 to 16.00.

The head office was founded in 1962 to serve the workers and employees of the Moscow metro. By order of the health Department of the city of 05.05.2012, No. 393 "On the reorganization of State budget health care institutions of the city of Moscow" was organized outpatient center (APC): the State budgetary healthcare institution "City polyclinic № 6 of the Department of health of the city of Moscow" (GBUZ "GP No. 6 DZM").

GBUZ "GP No. 6 DZM" is a diversified medical institution of the 1st and 2nd levels (the patients are heads of specialized clinics outpatient center), providing primary medical and sanitary aid to adult population of the districts "Savelovskaya", "Running", "Sochi", "Golovin", "Timiryazevskaya" for the profiles:

therapy, surgery, neurology, ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology, urology, cardiology, pulmonology, endocrinology, rheumatology, infectious diseases, etc.

The number of the attached population to GBUZ "GP No. 6 DZM" makes 154 194 persons. In 2019 (as of 01.12.2019), 1091 foreign citizens were provided with medical services under the MHI.


Section II
Health services


   In the outpatient polyclinic center carry out their work:

- Therapeutic departments in all branches where doctors of General practice and physicians-therapists precinct conduct reception,

- Offices of General practitioners on duty (GP on duty) in all branches, with manipulation rooms equipped with all necessary equipment and medical equipment.

- X-ray Department, conducts the following studies:

fluorography, mammography, radiography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance therapy(MRI). It should be noted that MRI (including contrast enhancement) works daily, including weekends from 8.00 to 23.00, providing this diagnosis, primarily patients attached to the state medical INSTITUTION "GP No. 6 DZM", as well as other AIC in Moscow. Mammography works in 2 shifts, including weekends, for a more complete circumference screening method of examination primarily women attached to the GBUZ "GP No. 6 DZM" , as well as patients from other AIC in Moscow

- Department of functional diagnostics, where research is carried out:

Ultrasound, vascular Doppler ultrasound, ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY, ECG, respiratory function, etc.

- Endoscopic Department, where colonoscopy, esophagogastroduodenoscopy are performed, including, if necessary, targeted biopsy and test for Helicobacter Pylori,

- Trauma Department, providing round-the-clock medical care to all patients who applied (on the basis of branch number 2),

- offices of medical rehabilitation of GBUZ "GP 6 DZM" (on the basis of branch No. 2),

- Day hospital (on the basis of branch No. 4),

- Department of medical prevention and "health Center" (on the basis of Branch number 4),

- Infection room (in the head office),

- Treatment and vaccination offices in all branches.

- Department of medical care to the adult population at home, serving all adults living in the service area of the APC GBUZ "GP No. 6 DZM", which includes a patronage service.

- Department for the provision of paid services.


Section III

Medical assistance to foreign citizens temporarily staying or permanently residing in Russia, is in GBUZ "GP No. 6 DZM" in accordance with the Decree of the RF Government dated 06.03.2016, №186 "On approval of rules of rendering of medical aid to foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation".

Emergency medical care is provided free of charge in all units of the clinic until the elimination of the threat to the life of the patient and stabilization of his health.


If the patient has health insurance CHI

Planned medical care in the hospital is provided free of charge in all departments of the clinic only to patients insured under the CHI (upon presentation of the CHI policy or health insurance card).

Planned outpatient medical care for foreign citizens insured under the MHI system is provided free of charge after being attached to a polyclinic.


If the patient does not have health insurance CHI

Emergency medical care in case of sudden acute conditions and exacerbation of chronic diseases is provided to foreign citizens free of charge until the threat to the patient's life is eliminated and his health status is stabilized.

Planned medical care for foreign citizens who are not insured under the MHI system is provided on a paid basis under contracts for the provision of paid medical services.

To resolve the issue of the type and volume of necessary medical care, the patient should contact the reception of any of the branches of the state medical INSTITUTION "GP No. 6 DZM" during the opening hours of the clinic. 

Prices for medical services You can see on the website of the clinic in the section "Paid services".

Section IV
Contact information:

Currently, the outpatient center includes:

head office located at the address: 127206, Moscow, Vuchetich str., 7b and 4-re branch:

No. 1, located at the address: Moscow, 1st Kvesisskaya str., 8, reference service: 8(495)685-77-63

No. 2, located at the address: Moscow, 3rd Mikhalkovsky lane, 22, reference service: 8(499) 154-74-40

No. 3, located at the address: Moscow, 3rd Novomikhalkovsky proezd, 3 "A", p. 1, Reference service: 8(499)154-45-55

No. 4, located at the address: Moscow, Nemchinova str., 14, p. 1, Reference service: 8(499) 977-00-77.